April 2024 - Jan R.

Help us congratulate Jan R. for being our April 2024 Volunteer of the Month! Here’s a little bit about Jan:

1.  Are you from the valley?  If not, where? and what brought you here? I'm originally from the northwest suburbs of Chicago, IL.  I moved to the front range of Colorado in 1981 and lived there for 37 years and then moved to Grand Junction in 2018.

2. What is your favorite thing about the Grand Valley? The weather is milder in the Grand Valley and I like the landscape.

3.  What do you like to do when you're not at the Food Bank? I enjoy golf, pickleball, hiking, and pretty much most outdoor activities. 

4.  What motivated you to get involved in the Food Bank, and how long have you been volunteering with us? I started volunteering at the Community Food Bank in 2020.  I enjoy meeting the clients and providing a friendly hello and try to make their shopping experience as enjoyable as possible (just like the rest of the volunteers at CFB).

5.  Anything else you'd like to share with the rest of the awesome volunteer team?  The staff and co-workers at CFB are always friendly, supportive and fun to work with.


May 2024 - Fred B.


Volunteer Appreciation Event